Most Frequently Downloaded Documents
UPDATED Patient Audit Proforma
Please find a paper version of the Online Data Collection Web Tool below for your information. All data entry will be carried out through the online data collection web tool; this proforma exists to assist.
Changes have been made for the Year 10 data collection (1 April 2023 - 31 Mar 2024). These include more granular questions about infection/sepsis, updates to reflect the NELA parsimonious risk score, and removal of questions about COVID-19 status.
The option for NELA Local Administrators to Enable/Disable some Quality Improvement questions on the webtool is still available. By default, the Quality Improvement (QI) questions on the NELA Webtool are enabled. Please contact us if you have any queries.
YEAR-11-NELA-Patient-Audit-Questions-Proforma_Active from 01-04-24_V1.docx (2.13 MB)
YEAR-11-NELA-Patient-Audit-Questions-Proforma_Active from 01-04-24_V1.pdf (1,018 KB)
YEAR-10-NELA-Patient-Audit-Questions-Proforma_Active from 01-04-23_V1.docx (94 KB)
YEAR-10-NELA-Patient-Audit-Questions-Proforma_Active from 01-04-23_V1.pdf (413 KB)
YEAR-9-NELA-Patient-Audit-Questions-Proforma-Active-from-01-12-2021_V4.docx (87 KB)
YEAR-9-NELA-Patient-Audit-Questions-Proforma-Active-from-01-12-2021_V4.pdf (927 KB)
YEAR-8-NELA-Patient-Audit-Questions-Proforma-Active-from-01-12-20 v2.docx (80 KB)
YEAR-8-NELA-Patient-Audit-Questions-Proforma-Active-from-01-12-20 v2.pdf (867 KB)
Outlier Policy
(UPDATED July 2023)The document below provides updated information on the reporting process for potential outliers identified through NELA data.
NELA Outlier Policy_July 2023.pdf (225 KB)
Quality Improvement Plan 2022-25
Our quality improvement plan for 2022-25 can be found here:
NCAPOP Cause for Concern Guidance now published
The finalised guidance is now live
Patient Audit Top Tips
Advice submitted by the audit's top performing sites on how to make the patient data collection and completion process a success.
NELA Hospital Tips - Nov 2018.pdf (459 KB)
NELA - Dataflow Diagram
The Document below sets out the flow of NELA data:
Patient Audit and Organisational Audit Action Plan
These forms provide an action plan to assist hospital sites in ensuring they are meeting the recommendations laid out in the NELA Patient Report and Organisational Report and if not what actions need to be taken to achieve these aims.
Organisational Audit Action Plan Final - October 2014.doc (75 KB)
Patient Audit Action Plan Final - December 2015 (175 KB)