New report reinforces NELA recommendations on Emergency Surgery Pathways
A new report entitled Emergency General Surgery: Challenges and Opportunities, has recently been published by The Nuffield Trust.
Commissioned by The Royal College of Surgeons the report makes several references to the work and data from the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (NELA).
Including highlighting that the quickest way of improving outcomes in Emergency Surgery patients is through the use of protocols and pathways, supporting the recommendation made in the First Patient Report of the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (Published June 2015).
NELA has made available a number of examples of Emergency Care Pathways which can be found here
These examples of pathways have been provided by various participating sites and have been made available so that other hospitals can adapt and make use of them locally to assist in improving the quality of care to patients.
Further pathways will continually be added to the website as part of the NELA remit to disseminate good practice.