NELA Newsletter - 51st Edition - January 2022
Happy New Year and welcome to the 51st Edition of the NELA newsletter! We hope you'll find these updates helpful!
Year 8 Data Collection Deadline - 31 January 2022
As a reminder, data collection for Year 8 (which collected data on emergency laparotomy patients between 1 Dec 2020 - 30 Nov 2021) will be ending on 31 January 2022. We therefore ask that any eligible Year 8 cases are LOCKED on the system by 31 January 2022 in order to be included in the audit. Any cases that are still 'incomplete' on the system after this date will not be included.
Upcoming NELA Events
- Patient Pathways Webinar - 27th January 2022
This webinar will feature presentations from some of NELA's top performing trusts. They will describe key elements of their pathway for emergency laparotomy patients, focusing on those that have made the most significant difference in patient outcomes. This webinar will address how changes have been implemented successfully, how to engage key stakeholders, the best way to fund change and all the practical difficulties encountered along the way.
- Content from previous NELA webinars can be found on our YouTube page.
Updates on Data Collection during COVID
Sir David Sloman, Chief Operating Officer at NHS England and NHS Improvement recently issued updated guidance on reducing the burden of reporting in light of COVID-19. His letter to NHS Trusts states: 'Given the importance of clinical audit in COVID and non-COVID care, clinical audit platforms will remain open for data collection. It should be noted clinical teams should always prioritise clinical care over data collection and submission'. You can read the full letter here.
Is your Contact Information Up-to-Date?
We'd like to ensure that we are communicating with all relevant individuals within your organisation. Therefore, we are asking that you complete this short form to make sure we have up-to-date contact information for all NELA leads at your hospital. As a reminder, it is good practice to let NELA know as soon as staff change within your organisation. You can email us at:
We're Hiring!
The Royal College of Anaesthetists are currently recruiting a data analyst to join the NELA and PQIP teams. The post is based at the Royal College of Anaesthetists in London. If you or someone you know may be interested, please review the advert and person specification here.
NELA Frequently Asked Questions
Please see below a list of FAQs which we are hoping will be helpful in answering some common queries that come in to our helpdesk.
- 1. How do I delete a case from the database?
NELA has recently updated our database so that individual users can now delete their own cases. To delete cases, please use the 'Cannot complete audit' button which can be found at the top of the data entry page for each patient.
- 2. I have a patient who had a CT performed before admission, but still in a clinically meaningful time period. How do I enter this information?
The NELA data entry portal does not currently allow for a date of CT to be entered before the date of admission. Therefore, please select 'no CT performed' on Question 2.7.
- 3. Where can I find information about my local NELA data and quarterly reports?
Quarterly reports and data on key NELA metrics can be found in the NELA webtool:
- 4. I'm not sure if a specific case should be included in NELA. How can I figure this out?
The NELA team have published a series of guidelines for inclusion of cases. You can find the associated resources here.
- 5. I have other questions-where can I find more information?
You can find a lot of other support, resources, and FAQs on the NELA webtool: In the event you still have questions, please feel free to contact the NELA team.
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Contact Us
If you have any questions or would like to contact the Project Team email -