Individual Hospital Performance Indicator Report
Individual Hospital Performance Indicator Report
The NELA Project Team have now made available an Individual Hospital Report for each hospital that submitted data to NELA in Year 2. Each report provides a summary of the key performance indicators and comparison to national figures, for Year 2 of the Audit (Year 1 & 2 for mortality data).
The NELA Project Team recommends that these reports be circulated to relevant stakeholders, clinicians, and colleagues, and are used to help feedback your hospital's key audit results. We hope that you find this a useful way of disseminating the audit results and going forward, we hope to make these reports available on a more regular basis. We would therefore welcome your comments and feedback about the format of the report and how often you would like them to be published.
To see your Individual Hospital Report please go to - Click here
If you have any comments or feedback on the format please send them to -